SOL 4, Carse of Ardersier, 04/09/05

INVOC SOL 4 home

Split times for White

Rank Time Name Club
 1	18:07     Ackland,James                   INT
 02:13=  03:27=  04:28=  05:46=  09:44=  10:38=  11:22=  14:47=  17:14=  18:07= 
 02:13=  01:14=  01:01=  01:18=  03:58=  00:54=  00:44=  03:25=  02:27=  00:53= 
 00:00=  00:00=  00:00=  00:00=  00:00=  00:00=  00:00=  00:00=  00:00=  00:00= 
 2	19:11     Walton,Heather                  INVOC
 02:05-  03:07-  04:06-  05:16-  10:40+  11:24+  12:17+  15:33+  18:12+  19:11+ 
 02:05-  01:02-  00:59-  01:10-  05:24+  00:44-  00:53+  03:16-  02:39+  00:59+ 
 00:08-  00:12-  00:02-  00:08-  01:26&  00:10-  00:09#  00:09-  00:12+  00:06# 
 3	20:03     Henderson,Judith                Independent
 02:11-  03:53+  04:50+  05:50+  10:45+  11:21+  12:06+  15:59+  18:54+  20:03+ 
 02:11-  01:42+  00:57-  01:00-  04:55+  00:36-  00:45+  03:53+  02:55+  01:09+ 
 00:02-  00:28&  00:04-  00:18-  00:57#  00:18-  00:01+  00:28#  00:28#  00:16& 
 4	20:10     Bloor,Max                       INT
 02:12-  03:18-  04:34+  05:53+  10:40+  11:49+  12:44+  16:01+  19:03+  20:10+ 
 02:12-  01:06-  01:16+  01:19+  04:47+  01:09+  00:55+  03:17-  03:02+  01:07+ 
 00:01-  00:08-  00:15#  00:01+  00:49#  00:15&  00:11#  00:08-  00:35#  00:14& 
 5	20:12     Downie,Finlay                   TAY
 01:53-  03:01-  04:21-  05:38-  09:30-  10:25-  11:09-  15:52+  19:04+  20:12+ 
 01:53-  01:08-  01:20+  01:17-  03:52-  00:55+  00:44=  04:43+  03:12+  01:08+ 
 00:20-  00:06-  00:19&  00:01-  00:06-  00:01+  00:00=  01:18&  00:45&  00:15& 
 6	20:27     Flett,Carol                     Independent
 01:57-  03:11-  04:27-  05:24-  09:31-  11:00+  11:58+  15:15+  18:58+  20:27+ 
 01:57-  01:14=  01:16+  00:57-  04:07+  01:29+  00:58+  03:17-  03:43+  01:29+ 
 00:16-  00:00=  00:15#  00:21-  00:09+  00:35&  00:14&  00:08-  01:16&  00:36& 
 7	20:33     Wilson,Emma                     CLYDE
 01:28-  02:58-  04:06-  04:54-  08:23-  09:13-  10:50-  16:33+  19:50+  20:33+ 
 01:28-  01:30+  01:08+  00:48-  03:29-  00:50-  01:37+  05:43+  03:17+  00:43- 
 00:45-  00:16#  00:07#  00:30-  00:29-  00:04-  00:53@  02:18&  00:50&  00:10- 
 8	22:35     Stewart,Rona                    BASOC
 01:55-  03:18-  04:22-  05:33-  09:35-  10:16-  11:10-  18:54+  21:38+  22:35+ 
 01:55-  01:23+  01:04+  01:11-  04:02+  00:41-  00:54+  07:44+  02:44+  00:57+ 
 00:18-  00:09#  00:03+  00:07-  00:04+  00:13-  00:10#  04:19@  00:17#  00:04+ 
 9	25:34     Nash,Tom                        GRAMP
 01:15-  02:55-  04:22-  05:52+  09:53+  11:07+  13:21+  20:22+  24:23+  25:34+ 
 01:15-  01:40+  01:27+  01:30+  04:01+  01:14+  02:14+  07:01+  04:01+  01:11+ 
 00:58-  00:26&  00:26&  00:12#  00:03+  00:20&  01:30@  03:36@  01:34&  00:18& 
 10	25:50     Nash,Oli                        GRAMP
 02:16+  03:10-  04:33+  06:21+  11:22+  12:02+  13:21+  20:08+  24:37+  25:50+ 
 02:16+  00:54-  01:23+  01:48+  05:01+  00:40-  01:19+  06:47+  04:29+  01:13+ 
 00:03+  00:20-  00:22&  00:30&  01:03&  00:14-  00:35&  03:22&  02:02&  00:20& 
 11	26:28     Nicholson,Emily                 FVO
 02:12-  03:37+  05:10+  06:43+  13:04+  14:04+  14:47+  18:42+  24:14+  26:28+ 
 02:12-  01:25+  01:33+  01:33+  06:21+  01:00+  00:43-  03:55+  05:32+  02:14+ 
 00:01-  00:11#  00:32&  00:15#  02:23&  00:06#  00:01-  00:30#  03:05@  01:21@ 
 12	29:37     Gomersall,Josie                 GRAMP
 02:22+  04:15+  05:36+  07:16+ 
 13:40+  15:17+  16:55+  22:18+  27:43+  29:37+ 
 02:22+  01:53+  01:21+  01:40+  06:24+  01:37+  01:38+  05:23+  05:25+  01:54+ 
 00:09+  00:39&  00:20&  00:22&  02:26&  00:43&  00:54@  01:58&  02:58@  01:01@ 
 13	29:55     Spencer,Jennifer And David      MOR
 03:24+  04:59+  06:24+  08:04+  14:33+  15:40+  16:48+  22:30+  27:53+  29:55+ 
 03:24+  01:35+  01:25+  01:40+  06:29+  01:07+  01:08+  05:42+  05:23+  02:02+ 
 01:11&  00:21&  00:24&  00:22&  02:31&  00:13#  00:24&  02:17&  02:56@  01:09@ 
 14	30:45     Robertson,Lindsay               CLYDE
 02:31+  05:45+  07:20+  09:15+  15:53+  17:41+  19:07+  24:32+  28:54+  30:45+ 
 02:31+  03:14+  01:35+  01:55+  06:38+  01:48+  01:26+  05:25+  04:22+  01:51+ 
 00:18#  02:00@  00:34&  00:37&  02:40&  00:54&  00:42&  02:00&  01:55&  00:58@ 
 15	42:33     Purves,Ewan                     FVO
 04:52+  07:55+  10:32+  13:04+  21:42+  23:36+  26:18+  33:25+  39:54+  42:33+ 
 04:52+  03:03+  02:37+  02:32+  08:38+  01:54+  02:42+  07:07+  06:29+  02:39+ 
 02:39@  01:49@  01:36@  01:14&  04:40@  01:00@  01:58@  03:42@  04:02@  01:46@ 
Best split for this class
   01:15   00:54   00:57   00:48   03:29   00:36   00:43   03:16   02:27   00:43
= Same time as class winner,   - Faster     + slower   # 10% more loss    & 25% more loss  @ 100% more loss

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05/09/05 22:26:59 eTiming Version 1.8 Emit as
Lisensed to: INVOC