From the organiser:
A huge thank-you to all of you for helping on Sunday at Anagach.
I hope all who wanted a run got one; I do know of a couple of us who didn't, but next time will be OUR turn for sure!! We had over 200 runners on the day, so it was a big ask for everyone! I don't know of another C4 with that kind of turnout for at least 2 years. (If I'm wrong, sure someone will correct me.)
Special thanks to Lisa (my assistant organiser) for being in charge of me for the day! I hope it won't put you off organising!! I appreciated all your help!! And also to Elaine and Peter who were there ALL DAY, beginning to end, and did anything and everything that needed doing.
A huge thankyou too, to those who kept a tally of the finishers' names and courses when the generator and laptop went on strike!! It was much appreciated and gave us the information needed when one runner did not appear at the end of the event. He was found safe and well, except for one ankle!!
Alan and Ake parked about 90 cars!! A success story in limited space!!
Joan and Val were on hand for first aid, which was, thankfully, not needed, except for one ice pack for the ankle!
Those at the starts did a grand job: it was unfortunate that we had to stagger starts, and hence had long waits at the "white and biggies" start.
Many thanks to all those who helped to collect in the controls, and clear the assembly area. This was done in record time, and I think we were all done by about 3:30!!
And of course, not by any means least, thanks to the planner, Tom Todd; the EMIT man, David Summers; and the controller, Hilary Quick.
Everyone was so helpful on the day, and the event could not have happened without all of you!!
Sue Nicolson