North Clubs














Useful Documents

We have set up a Dropbox for Internet-accessible (cloud) document storage. We have a public area open to all and a private area that can only be accessed via a login and password. The public area will hold useful general documents and guides, e.g. our 'how to use SI' guides. The private area will be used for INVOC documents relating to committee business and the like. Users are able to view and download documents, but edit and upload are restricted.

Public folders:

SI guidance - the SI guides Val has put together to help folk get to grips with the SPORTident timing system and Autodownload event software

Organiser's guidance - various handy stuff for event organisers

Planner's guidance - some handy contact details and information sources for planners

Equipment - includes e.g. SI control and dibber lists, generator manuals

Photography - policy docs concerning photography at events and use of photographs

If you are a Dropbox user and have the software installed on your computer you can link to the folder so that it appears as a folder on your computer. Otherwise it just appears as a page in your browser with links to the documents. James Laird is looking after things at present, get in touch with him if you would like more info (president"at"

Club Equipment

INVOC has a whole shed load of orienteering equipment - markers and tape that go out in the forest, electronic timing equipment, computers with event software, tents, signs.....

Much of the kit lives in the club shed which is in a handy location just outside Inverness and can be accessed by members as required. For more information please email kit.invoc"at"

INVOC uses the SPORTident electronic timing system for our events, and AutoDownload event software. There is a set of very useful documents to help (Microsoft Word). These are available in the 'SI guidance' folder in the public section of the INVOC Google Drive (see above). There is also a Google Drive public folder for general equipment related docs - e.g. lists of our SI controls and dibbers, and manuals for the generator.

The INVOC Library

INVOC has a library of orienteering books, magazines & publications.

It is an elderly collection but, as techniques etc. don't change much, most of it is still relevant and interesting. There are plenty of items to help you improve your orienteering and a few bits of historical interest.

The exact state and future of the library is not particularly clear at present but something might be done with it at some point....