North Clubs














INVOC is run by volunteers and we encourage all club members to get involved with running the club and helping out with the events we put on.

The club committee is elected each year at the club AGM which is usually held around March/April time, and includes the presentation of the club trophies and club league awards for the previous year.

The committee usually meets every couple of months to discuss all things INVOC. Smaller groups may deal with specific areas (e.g. fixtures, mapping) and folk who are not committee members may be brought in to help out too.

Club Committee 2023

The 2020 INVOC AGM was held at Farr Community Hall, Inverness on Sunday 1st of March and a new committee was elected.


President:        Laurence Cload

Vice-President: James Laird

Secretary:   Colin Simpson

Treasurer:   Iain Shepherd (Taking over from Alec Keith from August)

The following existing ordinary committee members were  re-elected.

  • Tara Black
  • Jim Finlayson
  • Jacquie Laird 
  • Steve Scott
  • Iain Sime
  • David Summers

A full list of contact details for the committee and other club volunteers is on the Contact INVOC page.


Please contact enquiries"at" for information about committee meetings, minutes or club documents.




[posted May 25th 2018]

INVOC GDPR statement

As you may be aware, the General Data Processing Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“the GDPR”) came into force on 25 May 2018.  The GDPR restates and amends the law about how your data is stored and used.

What data we collect from you, how we use it, and our actions to ensure this data is protected are important to us. Most of the data about orienteering club members is collected by Scottish Orienteering Association or British orienteering Association and shared with appropriate InvOC committee members

We value your privacy and believe in transparency, so are setting out the procedures we adopt.  These are set out in our Data Protection Notice, found here.  By way of a summary, the Notice covers:

  • Transparency over who we share your data with, and why this is necessary for us in our relationship with you;
  • Our legal basis for processing your data;
  • Clarity surrounding how long we hold your data for, and  what you should do to ensure this information is erased should you so request;
  • How you can request a copy of your personal information held by us.

We encourage you to read our Data Protection Notice in full.  By continuing with your membership of InvOC or by participating in our club events and activities you are agreeing to these updates. Please contact us if you have any queries.